Monday, January 4, 2010

The cold hard facts about changing your life

The Truth

Ok. Look. Here it is. This is the straight, unabashed, no holds, tough love truth. If you can’t handle the straight truth, with no chaser then please quit reading now. If you are tough enough to take it straight, knowing that it’s going to burn going down but that it’s what you probably not only need to hear, but need to really listen to and apply to your life in particular then come on in! The water is fine!!!!

Ok. Still here? OK. Here we go….

I love being a BeachBody coach, for so many reasons. First it helps motivate me. Staying involved with my fitness on a daily level and associating with other motivated people just helps drive me. Especially on those days when I don’t really feel so up to it. Second, I make a little extra money doing it. Nothing spectacular, yet. But a few extra bucks never hurt anyone. Finally, I love helping other people. Always have. Anyone who TRULY knows me, knows that. Thus my coaching history among many other examples.

However, I am also a realist. And that part of it gets to me.

I have to tell anyone that is SERIOUS about weight loss, getting fit, etc that it is a lifestyle change, literally. It can not be, except in rare occasions, a “I’ll do this here and there” or “unless I’m busy then I’ll skip here and there”. And “Oh I’ve been doing good, so I can cheat here or there”.

Most just don’t get it. The first resistive statement I get is “I don’t have time to workout 4-6 days a week”. Or “I just wanna do some workouts but I don’t want to mess with that supplement stuff”. Or “I eat ok. I just need to shed a few pounds”.

Physcial Activity

Here it is, ok? We as Americans have developed such a healthy lifestyle that it’s no wonder people actually believe their own excuses they lay out about their weight and lifestyle.

The reality is that the way we are designed is to do light physical activity all day long. If it weren’t for cars, elevators, etc. We would walk everywhere we went. If it weren’t for grocery stores and mass produced food (which is another article forthcoming…yuck!) then we would constantly be out gathering and/or hunting for food. We would gather fire wood, make our own tools, etc.

Now, we get up, take a shower and get in the car. Then we get out of the car, go sit down. Get up to go eat. Come back from eating. Then go home, do few things here and there and go to bed. NO COMPARISON!!!

We have become so lazy that we think that working out twice a week is work.

What we eat

Then the food, ugh, the FOOD. It’ horrible. Let’s again put this in perspective. IF there were none of this technological, laziness around, what would we eat? What was here before everything else? Before McDonalds? Before frozen meals? Before potato chips? Before Coca-Cola? Before Microwaves and deep fat fryers?

I’ll tell you what it was….raw, yes RAW fruits and vegetables. Meat was a rarity. It isn’t meant to eat everyday. That’s why hunting season is in the winter. Meat was used to sustain life through the winter drought of colorful vegetables. It was a means of keeping people from starving.

Thanksgiving isn’t about the hunt, or pizza, fast food! It was about being thankful for the harvest. The harvest of the grains, fruits and vegetables.

Wanna lose weight? Eat properly. Eat a salad or TWO everyday, without fail. Period. Eat an apple each day (“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”). Eat a banana a day. Throw in some grapes to snack on. Eat raw carrots everyday. Eat some broccoli everyday. You would be amazed the anti-aging, anti-cancer, anti-oxidants they contain. Anyone tells you “oh they have sugar” then run from that person. They know just enough about nutrition to get you to believe something you shouldn’t. The sugar to stay away from is high fructose corn syrup and refined sugars. Natural sugars don’t count.

Oh, and fiber….

I could just go on and on, and I will. But that is another day. Just trust me. You eat like garbage. We all do. It take a conscious effort to eat “weird” and go back to how it should be. But it has to be done to get where you want.


Next is supplementation. So many people are spinning their wheels working out and not supplementing correctly. Many think it’s overblown and over-hyped (and much of it is). Many think they are dangerous (and some of it can be). I’m here to kinda set the record straight.

Supplementation is key no matter what you’re goals. However, your goals will determine what supplements you need. You wouldn’t put racing fuel in your car. Racing fuel is for race cars. Your gasoline is for family cars. If you put gasoline in a race car it would no loner be competitive, or worse. Vice versa. The same with your body.

The trick is to use an expert. Find someone that knows what they are talking about. Actually, find several people, read, research, use trial and error and adjust to find what works for you. But please, use something. The food you eat can keep up at best. When you work out, your body will consume large quantities of protein, vitamins and minerals during your work outs. Working out is traumatic on your body and it begins immediately working to repair itself, putting you in a deficit in certain areas. The only area you want to have a deficit in is calories. So, supplementation is key to putting back in the important stuff.

However, keep it simple. Use what you need.

The Whole Package

So basically, achieving weight loss and obtaining your fitness goals is predicated on implementing the whole package. It is the workouts, the dietary habits AND the supplementation. Period. Remember the old adage, “two out of three ain’t bad”? Well, it “ain’t good” either! You want different results, then you have to drastically work to change what you’re doing now and have always done in the past. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing you’ve always done and expecting different results. Just ain’t gonna happen my friend!

Now, it shouldn’t scare you. Because trust me. When you follow this road map you will hate it (and probably me) for the first couple of weeks. But one day you will suddenly realize “Hey!!! I feel pretty good!!”. And you will. You will have more energy than you ever dreamed of. You will require less sleep. You will just feel good.

When we started P90X last year, we opened it up and we freaked out! We thought, “6 days a week??? Are you serious??” Well, they were serious. And now, so are we! The first couple of weeks were agonizing. We were tired, couldn’t keep up, hell, we couldn’t even physically do have of the stuff they were doing without falling over or stumbling! But we got the hang of it. It works. If we miss a workout now, we miss it. We can tell. We actually look forward to them.

So, you got it. The cold hard truth. You can’t stay where you are at to get where you want to go. You have to change it. All of it. And it can be done. And it’s tough. Nothing worth having in life is easy. But it is sooooo worth it. It really is a life changing experience.


When it comes down to it, you either do, or you don’t. Period.

Independent Emerald BeachBody Coach
BAM Elite Fitness

Bradley is a Independent Emerald BeachBody Coach. He is a full-time firefighter, husband and father of 3 beautiful children. Bradley has coached and trained some of the top Indiana boys high school basketball players. After being diagnosed with a rare condition known as a Chiari Malformation and undergoing brain surgery in January of 2009 I committed to speak out to raise awareness about personal health and nutrition to help others live a long and properous life. BeachBody and P90X have completely changed his life.

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