Thursday, December 31, 2009

A few tips to keeping that New Years Resolution

A few tips to keeping that New Years Resolution

So, you’re going to give it another try? It’s a new year and you’re tired of the same o’, same o’ huh?

You are not alone. You, and I, are just like millions of Americans that will join in making promises to change habits in 2010. However, history shows that most, if not almost all will fail. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

Admit your flaws

This is first and foremost. However, it is also the most difficult. The human psyche is built for self defense. We are made to lie to ourselves. This is an ego trait that has been made worse by our American way of life. In our strive for “happiness” we medicate ourselves with food, drugs, things and yes, even little white lies we tell ourselves.

The bottom line is that if your car has a mechanical problem, you have to identify the problem before you can buy the part and fix it. It doesn’t do us any good to tell ourselves that the car won’t start because the oil needs changed. It’s what I call the “ostrich effect”. Simply putting your head in the sand won’t make things go away.

So evaluate carefully. If you originally thought you eat “ok” then you probably need to take it a step further. If you originally thought you needed to lose “10-15 lbs” then you honestly probably need to lose 30-40.

Convince yourself that you deserve what you seek

One of the most prominent factors in those who fail is the ability to self sabotage! Quit it!! Tell yourself that you deserve what it is you’re going after. If you have to, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself this is what you want, and you are going to get it. Expect nothing less of yourself.


Next, plan. You wouldn’t take off on a hike through the wilderness without a map. (I couldn’t use a road trip as an example because someone would undoubtedly say something about GPS! Lol) Getting where you’re going is NEVER near as important as the journey there. Learn as much as you can and put together steps that will get you to where you want to go. Then, write it down! Any organization throughout history has always written plans and ideas out. It’s a proven measure to help ensure success. Life can get us busy and small details can be forgotten.

Also, document you’re starting point. Take pictures, notes, whatever you need to remember why you needed the change in the first place.


Get organized. Throw out anything that chains you to the old. Get out all that brings you into the new. Get your routine set. Most importantly, follow that routine!!!!!

Read and re-check your plan daily

Stay in the moment. Keep your promise and plan a priority. Read and re-evaluate daily. Constantly check your progress. Go back and look at those notes and pictures from before you started. Use that to help motivate.

Seek, find, and surround yourself with motivation

Let’s face it, life is one huge distraction. There are so many things that occupy our time. As Americans, our attentions spans don’t last any longer than a 30 second TV commercial. Beat yourself at your own game. Leave post it notes, send yourself emails, set reminders on your phone, set your homepage to a related website, go to chat rooms and discussion boards, find new friends at work that share the same goals you do, etc. Leave yourself a trail of breadcrumbs to constantly find your way back to your path should you stray.

Pick yourself up when you fall

The odds are, at some point, you will slip. It’s just life. No one is perfect. However, don’t fall back into your old habits just because you strayed a little. When a baby learns to walk, it continually falls over and over. Just imagine if that baby NEVER tried to get back up after it fell? It would never walk. Stay the course. Don’t get discouraged. And many times, when we slip, it seems impossible to restart. Just do it. You’ll be glad you did.

Be proud and hare your success with others

Share it! Tell everyone. If someone doesn’t like it, tell them they don’t have to listen. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Because believe it or not, you ARE worthy of inspiring others. For every ten people you share it with there may only be one person you will inspire but isn’t that enough? That one person may go on to inspire other people, and they may go on to inspire others and so on. It’s amazing the ripples that a small stone thrown into a quiet pond will make!!!

Lose your excuses

Know what the difference between and excuse and a reason is? A reason is used to explain why you previously did something in your life. An excuse is used to continue to do those things. Lose the excuses. Because, to be honest, when it all comes down to it……… you either do, or you don’t, period.

I wish all of you success in anything and everything you do in 2010 and beyond.


Monday, August 31, 2009

What a long day

Wow...what a long day.

Two years ago, after years of being disgusted with the fact that I quit college after 3 weeks out of high school, I decided to go back. Not only did I feel that a college education suited me and I had let myself down, I had two teenage boys who were approaching the college age themselves. Since I believe whole heartedly in leading others by example I also felt I had no choice but to pursue my degree. How could I tell them one thing and have done completely the opposite?

In June of 2009 I graduated with a A.S. in Public Safety. One of the proudest moments of my life was knowing my boys were in the stands, watching me walk on graduation day!

However, I've decided to continue on to pursue my Bachelor degree and actually will more than likely continue on to graduate school. But one step at a time.

So today I was scheduled to for two classes when I left the firehouse. I currently work 24 hours and I am off 48 hours.

Last night, at 3 am, the alarm sounds for a "working" residence fire. This means that it is actually a confirmed fire. As we approached, we saw a typical ranch with fire rolling out the three windows on the "A side" (front of the structure). It looked as if the entire interior of the house was in flames!!!

It took awhile before my crew was able to push the flames back to gain entry. Once inside the rest of the fire was quickly under control. However, in any structure fire the main concerns once the fire is out, are spot fires, hidden in the walls and ceiling. This may take several hours. Last night, or this morning rather, was no exception.

So, after 4 hours of firefighting and about 2 hours of sleep, we roll back to the station. I take a quick shower, mix me up a P90X Shakeology for breakfast and like a trooper, head down to IUPUI for an exciting 90 minutes of Finite Mathmatics, followed by 2 hours of Spanish!!!

Trust me, today caffeine, guarana and nitric oxide were definately my friends!

Oh, the nitric oxide? Well that was the boost I needed when I got home and Michele was anxiously waiting for me, in her workout gear, with the P90X Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and Abs DVD in the player!

Ugh! What a defining moment. I'm exhausted from being up all night and physically working, been to class on campus all day and now, I'm faced with either doing my scheduled workout or opting out, using fatigue as an excuse.

Well, it didn't take me long. In January, when I survived my brain surgery and had to work to get back to normal, I vowed to become a warrior. I made a promise to myself and implicity my family to take care of myself, to be strong, healthy and make better choices. We made a concious decision for a lifestyle change and this was one of those moments that ultimately influence others around you.

P90X it was!

Now, after a long day of fire, mathmatical logic, espanol, and P90X (and the recovery drink that tastes like a dreamcicle), I've had an awesome fresh chicken and black bean wrap cooked by my favorite cook, a shower, and a little snuggle time with my angel (Maleah my five year old daughter), all that's left is my big, soft, plush, comfortable bed.

Good night all!


Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Journey to Recovery

Hey! This is my very first blog! :)

I am Brad. I am a firefighter in Indianapolis, father to three beautfiul children and married to the same beautiful woman for 18 years!

This blog is going to concentrate on my health and recovery. In October of 2008 I was diagnosed with a Chiari Malformation. A birth defect that causes the skull to put too much pressure on the brain. The diagnoses threatened my career and my physical well being.

In January of 2009 I underwent a Post Fossa Craniectomy to relieve the pressure and help alleviate the symptoms. They gained access to my skull from the back, at the base by making a long incision down my neck. They then removed a portion of the back of my skull that was effectively pushing my brain out of skull and down my spinal cord.

Im sure you could imagine how traumatic the surgery was. I was down and in bed for several days. However I worked to push myself to get up and move around as soon as possible.

Though I felt as if I were healing fairly quickly, I was worried it wasn't enough. I was in danger of losing my paychecks. I was running out of covered sick time. It would have been financial disaster for us.

I was originally scheduled to go back to work April 9th. That wasn't going to work. I had to push myself a little harder to get myself not only to a "normal" level, but a back to work level as a firefighter.

One day I was watching TV and ran accross a P90X infomercial. With an extensive athletic background, a strong interest in fitness and a long coaching/training history, I knew enough that it sounded very intriguing. The more I researched, the more impressed I became about it. So, I ordered it.

Long story short, it changed my life. I went back to work on March 6th, and entire month early!!! On April 23rd, I won a fire engine pulling contest at FDIC in Indianapolis!!! All because of P90X.

I am now on my second phase. The first was to bring up to speed. This phase is to take it to the next level. This time we decided to follow everything exactly as laid out. We are following the diet and taking the recommened supplements. Man, it is doing it's job.

Since January, I have lost over 20 lbs. total. Eleven of that has come in just the past three weeks!!!! Simply amazing.

Stay with me as I break some of this down and elaborate. I'll share more about my Chiari, my gains from p90X, my outrageous cholesterol level and everything else.

Until then, my best
